Democracy house

Democracy house

An unparalleled experience in the heart of Chicago, IL.

Democracy House will bring together prominent leaders from across the progressive movement to co-create new visions for American democracy in this historic time.

Our democracy is at a turning point. Democracy House, an innovative effort will provide leaders, policy makers, activists, elected officials and others a venue to discuss, and craft new ideas for the movement's collective vision for democracy.

The schedule

Democracy House will bring together prominent leaders from across the progressive movement to co-create new visions for American democracy in this historic time.

Register now to gain access to a series of exclusive events.

Our partners


My Body PAC


Sierra Club


Black Economic Alliance

Brennan Center

Care in Action

Color of Change

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

Democracy Forward

Hispanic Federation


Mi Familia Vota

Moms Rising 

Move On

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation


Change Agent


Friends of the American Latino Museum

Growth Opps



American Pride Network

National Association for Social Workers

Next Street

Protect Borrowers Action


Black Voters Matter

Emmet Till & Mamie Till-Mobley Institute

Justice for Greenwood

National Action Network

Collaborate with us

It’s time to design an experience that meets your goals. Partner with us to bring power to change.

Let’s create something special together.